

Sex hormone measurement

the level of testostosterone and other sex hormones is not related only to libido, but also to aggressiveness and some other brain cognitive functions. The testosterone decrease can be caused by exogenous anabolics that are misused or abused in several sports as is e.g. body-building. However, it also simply decreases by aging. Do You want to know what are Your sex hormones levels?

Measurement of oxidative stress markers

do You want to know what is oxidative stress and what are free radicals? What do they do and how to prevent their damage?

Statistical analysis

do You need help with statistical analysis of Your scientific results?

Scientific translations

do You need translation of Your scientific work to or from English/German?

Who is Biomedox?

Biomedox, Ltd. is a spin off company founded by scientists and for scientists. We have extensive experience with research activities as well as with the financial management of research grants. We offer our skills and experience as service but also as products that we distribute into laboratories. One of the main competitive advantages of Biomedox, Ltd. is the collaboration with academic institutions, particularly with Faculty of Medicine at the Comenius University…

Ponúkané analýzy

Ponúkame základné ale aj pokročilé analýzy rôznych prvkov. V našich laboratóriách stanovíme množstvo testosterón alebo koncentrácie markerov oxidačného stresu a voľných radikálov, či už na osobné účely alebo pre ďalšie laboratórne výskumy.

Ponúkame služby pre laboratóriá a taktiež pre verejnosť.


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We are finishing our research grant VMSP-II-0027-09 and so we are preparing new web page to inform You of our findings. Stay in touch.

Biomedox LtD. has started new English version of our web page

In case of any question, please contact us at biomedox@biomedox.sk